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FM2015 对新特性里4个新的球员位置详解

发布时间:2019-09-14 18:42   文章来源:PlayGM论坛
浏览次数:       评分:2

(本文转自PlayGM论坛,由jht1983 编写及发布,感谢其分享)

Roaming Playmaker
漫游者 / 多功能中场
  Central and Defensive midfielders can be given a ‘roaming playmaker’ role designed for a versatile midfielder who can split their work between the duties of Deep-lying and Advanced Playmaker.

  The Roaming Playmaker is the heartbeat of his team, driving forward with the ball to spearhead attacks as well as tracking back to cover defensively. Always offering a passing option to teammates, the Roaming Playmaker must have the physical attributes to maintain a high intensity as well as the technical attributes to stamp his authority on the game.

  He will look to pick the ball up in deep positions and work the ball forwards with urgency, all the while keeping up with play. The Roaming Playmaker will often camp on the edge of the penalty area looking for room to shoot or to try that killer ball which creates a goalscoring opportunity.

Important Attributes*:重要属性
  Dribbling, Long Shots, Passing, Technique, Anticipation Creativity Decisions Off The Ball Positioning Balance Stamina Strength
  (盘带 远射 传球 技术 预测 创造力 决定 无球跑位 位置感 平衡 耐力 强壮)

Ramdeuter 边锋/前插型 - 代表-托马斯·穆勒
  Wingers can also be instructed to play as a ‘Ramdeuter’. The word raumdeuter is German and best translated as ‘space investigator and is most widely associated with Germany’s Thomas Mueller. A raumdeuter is a bit lit a wide poacher suitable for players who want to operate on the periphery of build-up play before finding space in a dangerous area to add a clinical touch to the move.

  A raumdeuter’s main role is to find pockets of space in which to operate. Essentially a wide poacher, the Raumdeuter takes up seemingly harmless positions out wide, waiting for the opportune moment to burst through the defensive line for that telling shot or cross.

  He is difficult for defenders to pick up as he will often drift from his assigned position looking for any opportunity to exploit. This can result in quiet periods during which the Raumdeuter may neglect his defensive duties, therefore adequate cover and a strong team shape are key in order to fully utilise his attacking prowess in the final third.
  (边路的抢点前锋, 这个位置球员很可能会不能参加防守)

Important Attributes*:
  Finishing First Touch Anticipation Composure Decisions off the ball
  (射门 第一次触球 预测 冷静 决策 无球跑位)

Inverted Wingback - 内切型进攻边后卫 - 似乎是南美边后卫的一种
  The ‘inverted wingback’ is modelled on South American wingbacks who, rather than staying staying glued to the touchline when moving forward, will prefer to cut inside and make runs through the middle of the pitch, either dragging defenders inside or opening up a shooting chance.

  The Inverted Wing Back will function defensively much like a standard Full Back or Wing Back. However, while a normal Wing Back will offer width to an attack, the inverted Wing Back will cut inside and make runs through the centre of the pitch, creating space for players around him.

  Acting primarily as a central midfielder when attacking, this role is generally although not exclusively used to facilitate wide play from more advanced wingers.

Important Attributes*:
  Dribbling Passing Long Shots Marking Tackling Off The Ball Decisions Work Rate Stamina
  (盘带 传球 远射 盯人 拦截 决定 工作效率 耐力)

Wide Playmaker 边前卫位置上的组织者
  Finally, if you’re looking to get the best out of a creative wide player who likes to roam across the pitch, the new ‘wide playmaker’ role may be ideal for you. This new role affords wingers the freedom to drift inside, and find space to create from a more central position, giving them more options to try and find that crucial killer pass.

  The Wide Playmaker will act as the team’s primary source of creativity, drifting inside to find space from which to play the killer ball and create chances. Coming in from the wing allows the Wide Playmaker to escape the hustle and bustle of central midfield and can result in him being unmarked by opposition players.

  Defensively the Wide Playmaker will take up his position on the wing to provide cover for his full-back; however, he is not expected to make too many tackles but instead he should take up good defensive positions and provide another body in the defensive line.

  With an Attack duty the Wide Playmaker will come inside to sit in an advanced midfield position between the opposition’s defence and midfield. From here he will act as the main creator for his side. This may result in the Wide Playmaker being caught upfield and unable to get back into position for defensive phase.

  With a Support duty the Wide Playmaker will come inside to sit in a central midfield position when his team have the ball. From here he will act as the main creator for his side

Important Attributes*:重要属性*:
  Passing Technique Anticipation Creativity Decisions

  (传球 技术 预测 创造力 决定)



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