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PES2012 发布在E3上的游戏新图和游戏细节翻译

发布时间:2016-12-12 06:28   文章来源:未知
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  • 积极主动的AI系统:PES 2012试图重新创建球员的跑动和逼真的团队足球理念,而且积极主动的AI系统在这里起到关键作用,球员们将不再为皮球蜂拥而上,取而代之的是通过聪明的跑动来创造空档并做好接球的准备。在禁区里,队友会呈对角形跑动,后卫会在边路制造叠瓦式助攻,中场也会在后方提供支援。这个新的AI系统确保比赛流程更为自然,另外团队防守也很关键,如今球员们连成一条坚固的防线,保持球员之间的距离。而作为个人他们也能更为聪明的缩小空档,阻挡并拦截威胁状况。
  • 身体冲撞:这在PES 2012是一个重要的部分,球员们会通过他们优势属性,这会让他们在一对一的情况下能否抢下皮球而发挥关键效果。如今球员们在对抗中会人仰马翻,通过更为逼真的动态画面来展现两位出现身体碰撞球员的情况。
  • 画面:游戏有几个部分已经得到大幅翻新。球员的面部表情更丰富而且光影效果更自然,而新的视角则展现出球场上的巨大细节动态。
  • 无球跑动:一种新的系统得到执行,这允许玩家们自如的切换球。防守时,右摇杆已被用来选择任何无球跑动的球员,而球队阵型的作用也会随之提高。门球,角球,任意球和界外球时能让玩家快速切换无球球员,这能让无球跑动的球员通过聪明的跑动来创造进攻机会。
  • 裁判AI:裁判也对比赛流畅度很重要,而且他们的AI已经得到极大的提升以确保更少中断比赛的情况。裁判的判罚准确度提高了,而且在越位和任意球时的有利原则会更频繁的出现。裁判则只会在真正有必要的时候吹停比赛,他们也会在比赛进入死球状态时补给黄牌。
  • 传球支援(自动或手动):通过全新的玩家个人设置,传球支援允许玩家们在传球时的AI支援级别。玩家们能选五种级别,最高的是老兵级别(专家级别),这个级别将关掉所有的AI支援(则全手动),所以传球的方向,重量和速度全由玩家控制。

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles other innovations in PES 2012.
The publisher released a first trailer with this important, new elements of the game in the fall of 2011 for PlayStation3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, Wii, PSP (PlayStation Portable) and PlayStation 2 will appear. PES 2012 is the only game that the official UEFA Champions League and UEFA Champions League offers contests.

With PES 2012, Konami continues its dialogue with fans and is playful and improvements to key aspects, which the players have requested. The focus in PES 2011 is on the highest level of playability, footballing challenge and realism. Feedback from the user has been following the AI changed fundamentally in all matters. At the same time now, teamwork is critical to game play and feel - so that fans do exactly as the moments that they know from real matches.

The trailer was released on the occasion of Konami's pre-E3 show. The moving pictures give a perfect impression of how the new additions to the PES experience enriching.

“We are really pleased to implement so many improvements within the areas that our fans wanted changed,” commented Jon Murphy, European PES Team Leader at Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. “PES 2012 is about matching real football, whilst ensuring an unrivalled gameplay experience. The trailer highlights many of the innovations we have added, and, more importantly, how they benefit the game. There’s plenty more to come, but for now we look forward to seeing how fans react.”

KONAMI will be detailing further key enhancements to PES 2012 in the coming months.

PES 2012 will be released for PlayStation(R)3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD, Wii, PSP(R) (PlayStation(R)Portable) and PlayStation 2 in Autumn, 2011.



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